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GuppY Help Center - Migrating to v4.6

Migrating to v4.6

You must do like this to achieve a migration TO V.4.6 from a previous version:

  1. Put the site in maintenance
  2. Make a backup of the whole site (quite worthwhile to reinstall your plugins if you've checked they're still compatible)
  3. Run a [DB integrity check]. Make sure it finds no error or run it again.
  4. Your data is put in the 4 directories data/, file/, img/ and photo/. Therefore, you must not delete them, nor their sub-folders, from your web site.
  5. Deactivate the skin and the plugins you are using.
  6. Activate the skin [no_skin]
  7. Withdraw the side boxes associated to the plugins
  8. Withdraw the icons associated to the plugins. Go to the management pages of your plugins to remove their icons from the top icon bar.
  9. At the root of your site (/) delete the files and the directories admin/, inc/ and mobile/ (mobile/ appeared with version 2.3), and plugins/ (plugins/ appeared with version 3.0) their content, as well as all their subfolders and their contents.
  10. Remove all skins.
  11. Copy the new directories and files from the latest version of GuppY (that is /, admin/, inc/, mobile/, pages/ and plugins/) as well as install/ and it's content.
  12. Check if you need to set the [CHMOD]. This will be the case if you had to apply it for your previous miniPortail / GuppY installs/migrations.
  13. Carry out the install script . (If your web site URL is http://www.mysite.com/ , then input the following URL in your browser : http://www.mysite.com/install/) and follow the instructions for a migration (this is most important)
  14. Great! You have just migrated to the latest version of GuppY. Some modifications in the GuppY parameters require that you to check [General Config], [Site Config], [Sections Config], [Services Config] and [Boxes Config]. You will also have to run a [DB integrity check] for updating the GuppY database indexes.
  15. You eventually have to install your skin and plugins when you have checked they are compatible with the current version.
  16. Reactivate the side boxes and the icons associated to the plugins
  17. Install the skins 4.6 compatible.
  18. Activate the skin.
  19. Check if it works well.
  20. Leave maintenance


Creation date : 18/03/2014 @ 20:24
Category : FAQ GuppY v 5 - Migrate to version 4.6
Page read 24956 times