Warning: Undefined array key "HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING" in /home/freeguppyorg/sites/ghc.freeguppy.org/inc/hpage.inc on line 45
GuppY Help Center - GuppY 4.6.22 -Fonction glob() qui pose problème chez certains hébergeurs

GuppY 4.6.22 -Fonction glob() qui pose problème chez certains hébergeurs

Here's a way out of the trouble with function glob() with some hosters:

Edit the file inc/hpage.inc with an editor like notepad++ or at least windows notepad. Above all, do nor use word processors like Word or OpenOffice, and replace lines 238 à 258 included, which are :
Code : php
// CSS located in directory inc/csshead are automatically charged in part HEAD of the page
$allcss = glob(CHEMIN.'inc/csshead/*{.css,.css.php}', GLOB_BRACE);
if (FALSE !== $allcss) {
foreach ($allcss as $onecss) {
echo '
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="'.$onecss.'" />';
unset($allcss, $onecss);
// javascript located in directory inc/jshead are automatically charged in part HEAD of the page
$alljs = glob(CHEMIN.'inc/jshead/*{.js,.js.php}', GLOB_BRACE);
if (FALSE !== $alljs) {
foreach ($alljs as $onejs) {
echo '
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="'.$onejs.'"></script>';
unset($alljs, $onejs);
by those lines:
Code : php
// CSS located in directory inc/csshead are automatically charged in part HEAD of the page
$dir = CHEMIN.'inc/csshead';
if (is_dir($dir)) {
$allcss = scandir($dir);
if (FALSE !== $allcss) {
foreach ($allcss as $onecss) {
$info = pathinfo($onecss);
if ($info['extension'] == 'css')
echo '
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="'.$dir.'/'.$onecss.'" />';
unset($allcss, $onecss);
// javascript located in directory inc/jshead are automatically charged in part HEAD of the page
$dir = CHEMIN.'inc/jshead';
if (is_dir($dir)) {
$alljs = scandir($dir);
if (FALSE !== $alljs) {
foreach ($alljs as $onejs) {
$info = pathinfo($onejs);
if ($info['extension'] == 'js')
echo '
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="'.$dir.'/'.$onejs.'"></script>';
unset($alljs, $onejs);
  They are the only instances in GuppY 4.6.22 where the glob() function is used.

Those who have installed JeanMi's plugin jmForks, can refer to this article on his website if needed : http://www.jmmis.com/articles.php?lng=fr&pg=12479.
Please don't hesitate to post on his forum if in trouble with this plugin.The file inc/hpage.inc comes with his plugin.

ATTENTION, These instructions are only intended fot those who meet pronlemens with their hosters. Others can use 4.6.22 version as is.

Creation date : 09/01/2013 @ 13:39
Category : - Webhosting services issues
Page read 19459 times