Tuto translation lang files
Tutorial for translation of GuppY 5 files
This tutorial is intended to help you with the translation of the files needed for GuppY 5 to work properly in your language.
You must first download the archives of the files to be translated and unzip an archive into a Lang-xx-GuppY-50201 directory (xx is the name of the language you want to translate).
Both archives are available for download on this link for French and on this link English.
Then, depending on your choice, you can start from French or English files.
To edit the files, I recommend using the pure text editor Notepad++, it is free and downloadable on this link.
Files must be encoded in UTF-8 (without BOM), you must check it in Notepad++ on the Encoding tab.
The first modification to be made is to add the flag of your language if it is not present in the lang directory and to replace fr or by the name of your language.
Some general recommendations:
Translate the text without touching the code if there are any,
Do not touch even the spaces at the end of the line, for example,
Take the time to make a precise translation,
We will also be at your side to help you if necessary.
In many files, the texts to be translated are limited to a few words or phrases.
On the other hand, Lang with the files en-admin. inc, en-help. inc, en-plus. inc, en-special. inc and en-web. inc is the main directory:
en. gif: to be replaced by the flag of your language
en-admin. inc: for all admin part of GuppY 5
en-adminplus. inc: to modify the text of variables in admin
en-help. inc: for help variables
en-lsadmin.inc : for variables config Liquid Slider (new in 5.02.02)
en-plus. inc: to modify the text of existing variables
en-special. inc: for public holidays, notably
en-ugadmin.inc : for variables config Unite Gallery (new in 5.02.02)
en-web. inc: for the whole public sector
This is an important job and we thank you for doing it to enable GuppY 5 users to put their website online.
Translation of files from English
Files presented in the tree structure of GuppY 5:
- admin
- editors
- upload
- lang
en_upload. fr
- inc
- ckeditor
- plugins
- citation
- lang
en. js
- lytebox
- lang
en. js
- pbckcode
- lang
en. js
- lang
en. gif
en-admin. inc.
en-adminplus. inc.
en-help. inc
en-special. inc
en-plus. inc
en-web. com Inc.
- install
en-install. ca
- plugins
- clock
en-clock. inc
- mind
en-mind. inc
- speed
en-speed. inc
These files are included in the Lang_en_guppy50201. zip file.
Some examples of files:
for the file inc/ckeditor/plugins/lytebox/lang/en. js
In this file, only the 2 parts highlighted in yellow are to be translated, on lines 14 and 15.
for the file inc/lang/en-admin. inc
On the first highlighted line, you translate Height keeping the space before the 2 dots,
If you use the apostrophe, you must precede it with an anti-slash (alt-gr + 8 keys)
for the file inc/lang/en-web. inc
An example to show you that you should not touch %s.
Another example, at the end of the file fr-web. inc
Here, you must replace fr with the name of your language to allow the file to be loaded in your language.
for the file inc/lang/en-plus. inc/lang/en-plus. inc
In the archive, I put an example of a modification for your information.
This addition in the file fr-plus. inc deletes the display of "Text to meditate:" before a quote, and will be kept even if the file fr-web. inc is affected by an update during a patch.
For the file install/en-install. inc, make sure to respect the code, otherwise your files will crash.
Finally, I hope this tutorial will be useful for you to get started with the translation for GuppY 5, all language packs are downloadable on freeGuppY Download section and then GuppY 5 Language Files.
Your language is not there, so you can send us a zip of your translation by "Contact us" in the Site Info box on freeGuppY.
We will put it online with a link to your GuppY site.
Tutorial by Papinou for the GuppY Team - March 2017 - maj December 2017 - CeCILL Free License