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Galleries config

Galleries Configuration

Clicking on this icon      Galleries Configuration     in Data Management will allow you to configure settings of your photo galleries

Select a gallery :

Select a gallery

You can then:

  • Define maximum number of thumbnails per gallery   
  • Define maximum width of a thumbnail (in pixels)
  • Define maximum height of a thumbnail (in pixels
  • Define maximum number of thumnails per page
  • Define space between thumbnails (in pixels)
  • Choose the position of thumnails
  • Include the gaelery in the slideshow lateral box
  • Define the independent gallery: it will not listed in the Photo Galleries page to view link of the following form: photorama2.php?lng=en&pg=XX (XX is the number of the gallery)
  • Choose the thumbnail display mode for the gallery
  • Choose interval between each diapo (seconds)

Galleries configuration

Save the configuration and then click Rebuild thumbnails.

Note : click Rebuild thumbnails for each change of dimensions.


Using Unite-Gallery :

If you select "Using Unite-Gallery", this configuration page will be displayed

Galleries config

Presentation of the Galerie Unite Gallery!

Unite Gallery is a jQuery plugin to display responsible photo and video galleries. This plugin was created by Valiano - Copyright (c) 2015 Max Valiano -

We propose you an adaptation of our friend Saxbar for the complete integration of Unite Gallery in GuppY 5.02.02 with the corresponding Administration section.

The end user doesn't have a line of code to put for the gallery operation, just upload his photos, videos and choose a theme, a default configuration with the possibility to customize for each theme.

Unite Gallery replaces in the GuppY package all other similar scripts that are removed from the package for lack of tracking and updating.

All this will be detailed in the Config Unite Gallery tutorial for GuppY 5 on this link.

The tutorial will cover the themes one by one to detail the configuration and customization possibilities.


Related links

Creation date : 09/04/2019 @ 19:15
Category : - Data management
Page read 5860 times