Titles of side boxes
We will configure Side box titles:
- Background: background color that will be displayed under the entire title, here #03224C,
Background: BOTTOM : a new feature, possibility to set a different color for the display at #BottomBoxes
- Opacity: 1, no transparency, this means that the background of the title will be the color chosen,
- Background image title: you can select an image, by default: X+Y when there is no definition for Repeat,
- Fonts (type of texts): the type of texts, you can choose between 7 families of fonts, here the second one is selected,,,
- Style: choice of options, here bold text for the title,
- Size: in the example 2.4rem, you can choose a size slightly larger than in the skin,
- Text color: #FFFFFF, the color must be adapted to the background color,
- Alignment: any of the 3 options, here Align left,
- External margin: 10px 0, no bottom outboard margins, unless you want a space between the title and the body of the box,
- Internal margin: 5px, a 5px padding around the title,
- Borders: you indicate the color of the border for the border, for this skin #73C2FB,
- Border size: 0px, no borders
- Style: You select a style from the 8 styles proposed,
- Radius of rounded corners: a size in pixels, e. g. 6px, this will depend on the size of the area. 0px, no rounded corners.
Watch out! Watch out! Do not oversize, especially to display the Newsletter or Latest Comments correctly, depending on the different widths of the columns.
Creation date : 15/12/2020 @ 13:53
Category : GuppY6 Documentation - Config Look Tutorial
Page read 4024 times