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Side boxes

We will configure Side boxes:



  • Fonts (type of texts): the type of texts, you can choose between 7 families of fonts, here the second one is selected,
         - Style: choice of options, here Normal for text,
         - Size: in the example 1.6rem, size of the texts in the skin,
         - Text color: #000000, the color must be adapted to the background color,
         - Text color : BOTTOM : a new feature, possibility to set a different color #EEEEEE for display at #BottomBoxes,
  • Height of text lines: for this skin, fixed at 24px, you can increase slightly,
  • Background OFF: background color, at rest, here #FFFFFF,
  • Background OFF: BOTTOM: background color, at rest, here transparent for display at #BottomBoxes,
  • Background ON: background color, overflying, here #FFFFFF, for Background OFF and ON, you'll notice that the color is the same, this color change is a bit outdated but it's only an opinion!
         - Opacity: 1, no transparency, a white background,
  • Color links OFF: color of the links at rest, here #03224C,
  • Color links ON: color of the links at hover, here #73C2FB,
  • External margin: 0, Left and right external margin must be the same size as the left and right side box headings for vertical alignment.
  • Internal margin: 5px, same internal margin as the title,
  • Borders: you indicate the color of the border for the border, for this skin #73C2FB,
         - Border size: 0px, no borders
         - Style: You select a style from the 8 styles proposed,
  • Radius of rounded corners: a size in pixels, e. g. 6px, this will depend on the size of the area. 0px, no rounded corners.

Creation date : 15/12/2020 @ 13:53
Category : - Config Look Tutorial
Page read 3804 times