Upgrade skin v5 to skin v6
Update a V5 skin to a V6 skin
The Config Look tutorial, which starts on this link, is up to date for GuppY 6.
To update a V5 skin to a V6 skin, it must imperatively be compatible and be displayed on a GuppY 5.03.03 site without any error.
If you get this error : Fatal error: Cannot redeclare boxthin() , this means that the skin is not compatible, you must at least replace the skin.inc file by that of a skin of the GuppY 5.03.03 pack.
The simplest procedure to update a V5 skin:
For example to install the zip with the Install function of GuppY 6 on a site in version 6.
Then go to Admin/Configurations => Skin configuration to select it by a click on Go.
I chose the skin6-guppy-03 to have the examples of Config Look and for the minimum of customization at the skin level. The possibilities of personalization being quasi-limited, let us remain at the level of the procedure !!!
Go to Config Look => CSS style sheets:
Click Save config to update the automatic part,
A rubric by rubric check is necessary, the quality of the content also depends on the .css style of the V5.
With the help of the Config Look tutorial, it is possible to compare, section by section.
For mobstyle.css :
I propose you to make a copy/paste of the mobstyle of the skin-guppy-03 to replace the one of the skn5 which has become obsolete, if you have a configuration of identical boxes, you won't have anything else to do.
For styleplus.css :
For the styleplus.css :Same principle, a copy/paste of the skin6-guppy-03 to replace the existing one, much easier than to want to modify the existing one, most of the classes it contains are not used any more thus obsolete. For some, it will be a salutary spring cleaning !!!
- You will have to modify the background-colour of the second line .T0entrow0 of the styleplus.css : background-colour: #0F056B; to adapt it to the colours of your site.
- You will need to change the background-colour of line 17 .navbar.ddv of styleplus.css : background-colour: #A9EAFE !important; to adapt it to the colours of your website.
For stylepageX.css :
For the stylepageX.css : One per subpage, always copy/paste each stylepage.css in the right place:
- stylepage1.css for secondary page 1, stylepage2.css for secondary page 2 ...
- you will have to modify the background-colour of the first line for each one : background-colour: #0F056B; to adapt it to the colours of your site.
In conclusion, emptying mobstyle.css, styleplus.css and stylepageX.css from a V5 is undoubtedly the best solution to have clean style sheets, without interfering with the .css style generated by Config Look.
Tutorial made by Papinou for the GuppY Team - February 2021 - CeCILL Free License