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PHP5: on line activation.

Please, ask your host in the first place or check their FAQ.

Usually, adding a line in the .Htaccess at the root of GuppY will do, or select PHP 5 in the management console of your online space.

Here are some examples:

Nuxit v2
Choice avalaible in customer's area.

Nuxit v1
Add this into htaccess at the root:
AddHandler x-httpd-php5 .php
AddType application/x-httpd-php5 .php

Choice avalaible in customer's area.

1 and 1
Add this into htaccess at the root:
AddType x-mapp-php5 .php

Add this into htaccess at the root:
<IfDefine Free>
php56 1

Add a file to the root .ovhconfig with this content:


and save it under .ovhconfig,then upload it to the root of accommodation.
Add this into htaccess at the root:
AddType application/x-httpd-php5 .php

This list is not exhaustive and only serves for example purpose. If you have other instances, thank you for letting us know.

Creation date : 24/08/2015 @ 09:29
Category : FAQ system - PHP 5
Page read 61876 times