Plugins, forks and scripts
GuppY 5.0.0 that you download offers many standard features and fonctionalities. Nevertheless it is possible for you to enrich your site or to adapt it to your specific needs, by installing plugins.
Existing plugins for GuppY
A plugin is a new specific functionality, which is not integrated into the portal, but proposed as optional modules to install by yourself. The plugins are developed by members of the GuppY Team or external contributors, users of GuppY who want to share their developments.
GuppY Land, the haven resources for GuppY, collects all the plugins, by matching them to a descriptive card and their history.
On the specific developer forum, post your questions ahead and SOS, you get precise answers and informed the developer concerned.
How to install a plugin
The installation procedure has been simplified with the install function, you go Admin / General Administration / Installer, you select the zip plugin and click install. Refer to Using the Install function.
Once install has been done, you have to configure the correct Chmods on the files ; without this, the plugin will not run. Explanations on chmods are included in plugins' documentation and may differ from one plugin to another.
When it has been well installed and "chmoded", the plugin becomes available from the management (admin) interface of GuppY, where it appears as an additional icon. Each plugin may so be visually configured, as legacy functions of your site are, and as easily as they are.
To install a fork
A plugin comes to be added to standard GuppY, without modifying the structure of it ; it is an additional functionality, which you can uninstall any time you want , without affecting the correct operation of your site.
A fork (or hack or tweak) are less orthodoxe: it is not a question of a additional functionality , but an a alteration of native functionality . A fork is a modification of one or several files of your standard GuppY, in order to obtain a personalize presentation ou to improve such or such original function.
The fork thus carries reached to the native code-source of GuppY. It is necessary well to be aware of it, because which you amend to the code-source will be lost to your next upgrade. At best, you will have to do them again. In the worst case, you will not be able to reproduce them because the operation of GuppY will have change.
The installation of a fork thus consists generaly of a substitution of files: you replace the native files of GuppY by the files improved .
Two precautions are then to take:
- make a safeguard of your site before forker
- instead of replacing a native file by the fork , rename the native file to preserve a copy and allow you to restore it at any time.
Ex : if the fork that you install affects the file article.php, rename this original file in article_old.php or article.bak, before adding your fork. In case of problem , remove the fork and restore the file article.php, by renaming article_old.php / article.bak.
How to add external scripts
At first, this is not recommended. Indeed, inserting a small javascript to your portal may seem to be nothing, but anyway troubles to GuppY due to this small add-on may be huge and dangerous.
GuppY's developers should confirm this, as they are use to facing heavy compatibility issues with several javascripts running together.
If however you insist on using javascripts, you will do it at your own risks, so remember to make a complete bakup of your site before.
Hereafter are listed some usefull indications :
- Normally, you cannot insert javascript or php codes directly in articles, nor from admin interface. If you want to insert javascript code in a free box for example, you have to do it directly in the corresponding GuppY files, which requires from you a minimum knowledge in HTML, PHP, and GuppY structure.
- However, small javascript codes may be inserted directly from the admin section,provided exclusively use in source mode in CKEditor.
To finish, let us insist again on that point : adding external PHP scripts (for example a tagboard, another forum, etc) might be dangerous for the integrity of your portal.
Several GuppY sites have been hacked, due to unsecure external PHP scripts that opened a security hole, with which hackers entered in.