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Using Config-look - GuppY 5.03.XX

The evolution of the version of Config Look included in the GuppY 5.03.XX package allows you to go even further and more easily in customizing your skin, the goal being to manage the maximum in Config look to simplify the styleplus. css file.

All skins in the pack have been adapted for Config Look but we recommend that you start with a copy of the no_skin or the skn5_maskin02.

Important!  Before modifying the skin of your site, you must have done the configuration of the boxes in Config box.

The working principle is the same for all fields, you select fonts, size, your images, colors, styles etc.

All Config look fields must be filled in correctly with values corresponding to each field.

New things:

  •     A Header Bands: You must select a width for each part
  •     A Menu for lateral navigation: you must configure this menu before displaying the box,
  •     Since version 5.02.07, the generation of the.css style sheet is automatic when you click on Save configuration.

Some exceptions:

- JavaScript banner disabled, it is preferable not to check so that the visitor is warned of the deactivation of his javascript,

- Fixed, you check it only if you have a still image (1920 x 1080px) in the background of the site,

- Opacity can take several values:

  • Transparency value: default value 1 will be used if the Background field is filled with: Transparency
  • Transparency value: 0.1..... 0.5,0.6,0.7,0.0.8,0.0.9 for the transparency of the color indicated in the previous field, the color will be coded with rgba (rr, gg, bb, opa)
  • no transparency: you put 1 and the color will be displayed at 100%, the color will be encoded with rgba (rr, gg, bb, opa)

To change the color, click on the left area (of a color item) to bring up the jquery Color Picker  Sometimes a little delay per click is necessary to move around in the color input window.

The two adjacent areas allow you to visualize the old and new color, once the new color has been selected, do not forget to validate the color by clicking on the circle at the bottom right of the Color Picker window.

Not to mention saving the configuration to generate the style.

Once the style is generated, you display a page to see the result, it is necessary to refresh the page to display it without going through the cache.

Once you have configured all the topics, saved and generated your style. css file, your skin is finished and operational.

Watch out! Watch out!  you will not be able to make manual modifications in the files style. css, jqstyle. css, you must use config look.

To further personalize your skin, click Config Style and then Edit the CUSTOMIZE Style Sheet (styleplus).

In this styleplus. css file, you will add all the customizations you want to bring to your style sheets, style. css can be customized in the styleplus file, without overloading it it should contain only the strictly necessary.

Watch out! Watch out! It takes some knowledge of the css style sheets to have a significant personalization.

To help you you can use the skn5_maskin02 which shows some possibilities with a minimum of customization, it is downloadable on this link.

Tip: While browsing the tutorial, you can open Config look for the skn5_maskin02 and see all the options proposed by topic.

Don't panic, we'll come back to it rubric by rubric!!!

Tutorial by Papinou and Saxbar for the GuppY Team - March 2015 - CeCILL Free License - update december 2019

Creation date : 05/12/2018 @ 14:17
Last update : 03/12/2019 @ 15:57
Category : Documentation - Tutorial Config look
Page read 15526 times