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Tutorial GDPR Compliance

Tutorial Setting in conformity of a site

The General Data Protection Regulation is a European regulation applied since 25 May 2018.

Voted in the European Parliament in 2016, its implementation is worldwide, and in France, the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés is responsible for enforcing it.

This regulation will change the practices of professionals and individuals on the web.

Its purpose: to ensure the control and protection of any person's personal data that they leave while browsing the web.

Reminder: Any data that directly or indirectly identifies a person is considered as personal data.

Three important components of the privacy policy:

  • Data may only be collected and processed with the consent of the user who owns the data,
  • The collection and processing of data is limited to the maximum for the display of the site, for comments, for messages on the forum, for processing members' preferences. Each member can modify, delete his preferences at any time,
  • The site editor undertakes to guarantee the integrity and confidentiality of the data collected.

The General Data Protection Regulations concern any natural or legal person who may come into contact with personal data of citizens of the European Union in the course of his activity.

The version 5.02.06 of GuppY is in conformity with the GDPR in its entirety as indicated in the model of "Legal Mentions" included in the demo database.
All forms have been adapted with a consent request, cookies are subject to acceptance and cookies with personal data are encrypted with the possibility of changing the encryption key.

This is not enough for your personal site to be compliant, today the site owner is responsible for user consent, data collection and protection.

To bring your site into compliance with the General Regulation for the protection of personal data, here are some recommendations that you should implement:

  1. Enable https protocol for your domain,
  2. Apply the non-cumulative patch to each release of a new version, update your plugins,
  3. Set up an admin protection for administrators and collaborators having access to the administration of the site,
  4. Regularly update your machine software (pc, tablet, smartphone),
  5. Rename sensitive files to admin/config services,
  6. Avoid using external scripts in GuppY,
  7. Activate all protection modes offered by your host,
  8. Put secure passwords, at least 8 characters with lower case, upper case, numbers and special characters,
  9. Do not delete the.htaccess at the root of GuppY, nor the.htaccess in the directories,
  10. Always use an up-to-date antivirus, browser and search engine that respect your privacy.

With these recommendations, plus the adaptation of the legal notice and privacy policy, your personal site must comply with the regulations in force.


The implementation of the legal notices and the privacy policy:

You adapt the "Legal Notice and Privacy Policy" template to the content of your site, especially if you use plugins, third-party cookies, social network buttons.

Then you put your legal notice in an article with the title provided.

You go to admin/configurations/config services then SERVICES => Preferences Box, and to Page number of legal mentions you add in the field provided the ID of the article of your page.

All "Legal" links will automatically point to your page.

Attention :

This tutorial and the "Legal Notice and Privacy Policy" template have no legal value, they are simply tools to help you bring your personal site into compliance.

In no case GuppY can be held responsible for the non-conformity of a site, the GuppY version 5.02.06 contains all the elements and all the modifications to be in conformity.

Each site owner or administrator is responsible for his site.

Tutorial made by Papinou for the GuppY Team - July 2018 - CeCILL Free License

Creation date : 02/07/2018 @ 09:09
Category : Documentation - Tutorial GDRP compliance
Page read 13793 times