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Datas archiving

Data Archiving

In the General Administration panel, click on the icon archive.gif opens the help page on data archiving.

Archiving relates to four types of documents. Depending the use of your site the number of documents becomes too large and slows the display of these parties. It is therefore necessary to archive, that is to say move in a folder provided for that purpose.
Their consultation only will always be possible through a link at the top of the page of each section concerned.

Three steps

1. Step 1 : Data selection.

  • select the type of data to be archived
  • indicate the date of archiving YYYYMMDD format shown, eg. 20100501. Documents prior to this date will be moved to the archive folder.
  • click the button "Launch the archiving"


2. Step 2 : Current Data Archiving

The archiving runs and displays the results stored number / number selected for each type of data selected in step 1.


You may :

  • or back to perform an archive to another date and / or another type of data.
  • or continue by launching an integrity check of the database.

3. Step 3 : Integrity Check

The documents are archived, it is necessary to perform an integrity check for updating the index database.

In this step, the report is displayed and the integrity check batch is started automatically.


Control batch, that is to say in increments (the number of elements is based on the number of archived documents), is running in a popup.


Once the check is finished, you can close the popup window and either return to step 1 by clicking the Back button archiving or continue working.


Related links

Creation date : 15/05/2019 @ 17:07
Category : Online help GuppY 5 - General management
Page read 6468 times