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  1. The "Mobile-First" development implies to always have in mind the mobile display and the weight of the pages for the fastest possible display whatever the size of the screen.
  2. If you wanThe "Mobile-First" development implies to always have in mind the mobile display and the weight of the pages for the fastest possible display whatever the size of the screen.t to modify your style. css file, do it with Config look, no manual modification is possible, it would be overwritten by the style generation.
  3. To customize your skin, do it by adding it to the styleplus. css file, it is there for that and your customizations will be kept. Be careful, it must be limited to the indispensable modifications for your skin and you will see that with GuppY 6 you don't need many modifications.
  4. If you want to set a background image to TopBoxes, you must calculate the height of TopBoxes according to the boxes you have selected in Boxes at the top of Config boxes. Then you will customize the background display in the styleplus if the repetition should be X or Y.
  5. For the tutorial, you only have the side navigation menu, on a site in production you select only one menu.
  6. For photo galleries, we recommend the use of Unite-Gallery, the tutorial for Unite-Gallery is still available on GHC.
  7. For the associations of colors, this link, a site among many others but its simplicity of use is a plus.
  8. To update a GuppY skin compatible with config look, a click on Save configuration in Config Look is required, the.css style will be generated automatically, then return to Home page and F5 or Ctrl+F5 to refresh the page as many times as necessary.
  9. For the file mobstyle.css, to have a correct display, you must replace it by the mobstyle.css of a skin of the GuppY 6 pack.
  10. For the styleplus.css file, if you have not added any customizations, you can try to replace it by a skin from the GuppY 6 pack,

If you have followed the tutorial correctly, your skin must be totally up to date and functional for GuppY 5.03.XX!!!

Creation date : 15/12/2020 @ 13:49
Category : GuppY6 Documentation - Config Look Tutorial
Page read 4312 times