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Managing groups of collaborators

Collaborators groups management

In the General Administration panel, when you click this icon:Config collaborators groups  you arrive on the page of the group of collaborators management of the site.

Groups management :

Page configuration management groups will allow you to create collaborators groups for your new site.

In the example above, the Admin, Desktop and Moderators groups exist and we want to add members to the Moderators group, so we click on the icon on the left of the Action column:


On this screenshot you can see, the Moderators group is created, by clicking on Save we will be able to add the two selected members to our Moderators group.



For all groups it is this principle that will allow you to add or not your site members to a group, you selected to add the nickname of the member.

To remove a member, you must click on the red cross in the Action column.


Related links

Creation date : 25/10/2020 @ 10:28
Category : - General management
Page read 5217 times