Box config
Boxes Config
In the Configuration tab, click this icon to go to the boxes config page of your site.
You must configure independently both WEB and MOB versions by selecting the version as shown in the image below:
This section of administration area deals with: :
- choosing display and layout of bowes on the pages of the site.
- creating secondary pages which let you publish extra contents and keep display clear in sied columns. Plugins can be added there as well, like plugin jQuery for instance.
- setting up boxes display on main page and secondary pages.
This page splits into 2 sections:
- Skin Configuration for main page and secondary pages and duplicate this configuration into any other skins
- Boxes Configuration
1. Skin Configuration for main page and secondary pages and duplicate this configuration into any other skins.
This section deals with three operations:
- First operation: Selecting a page configuration, main or secondary.
You select a page and then you set up the boxes for that page.
- Second operation: adding a configuration for another page. You might fancy create another secondary page with a look that will be different from that of the main page. For instance: fewer boxes or different from those of the main page. You lust then create this new page, then configure boxes layout. Enter name of page into the field "Add a page configuration", here the example is "Computing" the click on "Save".
Then you will select this page to configure boxes layout for this page.
- Third operation: ReDuplicating boxes layout chosen for the current skin into the other skins stored in the skin folder of your site.
For instance, in the case shown here, boxes layout can be duplicated for skin no-skin and/or skin skin5_02 . Thus, when you change the skin of your site to skin5_02 (in the section admin/configurations/skin configuration/themes config you will have the same boxes layout in that new skin.
2. Boxes Configuration
This is here you choose the bixes to be shown on the site as well as their layouti for main and secondary pages.
Select the page to be configured as shown in the first paragrah.
The image below has been split into 9 areas for clarity purpose:
- 3 for the area Top Boxes : boxes in the left column, boxes in the middle column, boxes in the righ column.
- It is here you manage display and layout of the top part of the site: menu icons, banner, logo, search box, free boxes,social networks, RSS, breadcrumb, etc.
- 3 for the central area, including the main box, right in the centre.
- C'est aussi là que vous gérez l'affichage et la disposition des boîtes centrales et latérales : boîtes menu, fenêtre modale, menu de navigation, boîtes libres, compteur, calendrier, etc.
- 3 for the area Bottom Boxes
- Eventually, it is here that you will manage displau and layout ofthe bottom boxes of the site.
As you can see, this latest version of Guppy enables a multitude of display and layout choices of setting to customise your site as you fancy..
Displaying the boxes:
it suffices to choose the box to be displayed from each dropdow, menu.
Dealing with top banner and footer, width of each box has to be entered as % < or = 100%.
Basic page width is refered to as...100%.
3 boxes displayed on the same "line, will be this wide for instance:
33% 33% 33%
30% 50% 20%
Une seule boîte :
or 30%
The rule is quite simple: 100% is the full width of the page.
But Guppy will make do to display boxes even if values are greater or smaller than 100.
Once choice has been done, dont forget to click the "save" button not to lose your work!
Warning messages that show after clicking "Save:
Whenever you have omitted to specify width for a top or bottom box, Guppy will warn you this way:
Finding out what box it is and where it is:
According to the letters :
T : relates to: TopBoxes
B : relates to: BottomBoxes
C : relates to boxes in Central column
L : Left ; Left boxes
R : Right ; Right boxes
According to digits:
The three 3 lignes are numbered: 0, 1, 2
0 : 1st line and so on
In the example above:
B = BottomBox L=Left 2 = 3rd line for Preferences box
T =TopBox C=Central 0 = 1st line ==> Newsletter Box
T = TopBox R = Right 2 = 3rd line ==> Printing box
You will click on the OK buttn in the message and you give a value for the width of each box.
Et n'oubliez pas de cliquer sur... Enregistrer !
IMPORTANT tips for Menu boxes
Menu boxes are the boxes where lists of clickable menus that point at the articles of your site.
In boxes config, the diplay and layout choice of Menus boxes is only possible if one or several meny boxes have been previously configured!
Thse boxes are named as follow:
MNU follwed by number xxx
Demo content you have downloaded with Guppy comes with menu boxes with default confguration.
Technical Menu box is named:
MNU 364 Technical.
Before you create your first article, you must configure a menu box containing the link that points at this article.
To do this, go to Admin/Structure/Menu Boxes
When you're done with Menu Boxes, go to Boxes Config. The new Menu Boxes will show automatically in the small dropdown in Boxes Config, like this one below, a box named"My box":
After selection, this menu box will only be displayed on your site if at least one item is attached to it.